Class Blog for Nessa

Sunshine for Sports day! 

Sports Day 2024.

Despite the weather's best efforts yesterday, we all had an exhilarating afternoon in the sunshine. The unexpected weather challenges only brought us closer, making Sports Day 2024 a testament to our community's resilience. We couldn't be prouder of the children, who showed remarkable teamwork, encouraged each other, and took care of their younger peers. It was a joy to witness!

The Duck race provided the usual year six mayhem as 400 ducks were released down the river to be caught by a very brave Mr Smith, who proceeded to get slightly wet! Hopefully, our duck catchers have all dried off!

We had some delighted prize winners! Thanks to the PTFA and everyone who supported them by donating food, setting up, clearing away, serving ice cream, and running the Tombola. We appreciate everything you all do, and it’s an integral part of our little community school!

As a school community, you raised a fantastic £700 with the PTFA, which goes towards providing enrichment opportunities over the coming year … That is one of the highest amounts ever raised on sports day.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who sponsored us: Tesco, Asda Bodmin, Morrison’s, The Old Inn, The Westberry Hotel, Bodmin Nursery, Rowes, Dole Fruit, Lappa Valley, The National Trust, Bodmin Wenford Railway, Bowood Golf Club, Trelawney Garden Center, and all our parents. Your support has made a significant difference to our school community.



Alternative Sports

Blisland sent 6 of our finest athletes over to Looe for an alternative sports day. The children competed in: ultimate frizbee, seqway races, fencing and street surfing. Our pupils showed fantastic attitudes and team work. We are delighted with our 2nd place overall. 

A huge thank you to Looe for hosting and organising the event. 


Une journée au café 

In French we have been learning all about the Cafe. To bring this to life the children needed to order their food in French. A huge thank you for supplying a variety of French delights. What a fantastic way to bring the subject to life!


We're having a blast! 

Trumpet lessons for KS2

For the next 10 weeks we are having trumpet lessons. We have Cornwall Music Hub delivering specialist lessons for all of our KS2 pupils. What a riot. In our first lesson we learnt how to: hold the instrument, create a clean sound and how to play to the beat. 

Who knows where this musical odyssey will  take us!


Do you have the power? 

We are continuing our topic: Can One Idea Change the World? For the next two weeks our focus in on D.T. We are creating wind turbines which will power LEDs. This unit will see pupils creating strong tower structures which will house a motor. We will run the motor backwards to create electricity from wind. Pupils will need to think about the shape, size and orientation of the blades in order to turn the motor as quickly as possible.  This unit also requires pupils to use their knowledge of circuits. 

As always pupils have attacked the brief in their own unique ways. At the end of the unit we will evaluate each others turbines to see which are the most effective and why.

In English we have started a new writing unit. We are looking at instruction writing. Our example text is How to make the World's Healthiest Smoothie. Pupils will pull apart the features of this text before creating their own instruction texts. 


Start of Year  

A wonderful start to the year.

We have leapt into the new school year with lots of exciting new learning. In our topic 'Can One Idea Change the World' we have looked at biodiversity and the ways in which we can create environments in which animals can not only survive but can also thrive. We have classified animals as well as looked at the life-cycles of mammals, amphibians and reptiles. We looked at the work of the famous scientist Carl Linnaeus and were surprised by the fact that 'there are more invertebrates in the world than vertebrates'. To finish our scientific learning we looked at the lives of David Attenborough and Jayne Goodall.

We have moved onto our Geography phase of the topic and have investigating different types of renewable energy. We have looked at the physical and human requirements for renewable energy and will continue to look at renewable energy in our local area.


Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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