Head's Blog

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Welcome to the Head's Blog! Please visit this page regularly for news, information and updates from Blisland Primary Academy.
Andrew Smith, Head of School.

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SATS Superstars 

SATS Superstars

We are incredibly proud of our year six pupils who have had their SATS results this week. We have worked extremely hard in school and in after school club. Each pupil was set their own targets and they put their all into achieving it. The process of setting high expectations and working hard towards it - with all the ups and downs - will set them up perfectly for the next stage of their learning journey. It is an absolute pleasure to see them succeed and all of us at Blisland Primary are extremely proud of each one them.


Summer 2 

Summer term 2

Well the fine weather is finally here! What a packed Summer Term we have.


Nessa class have recently returned from a hugely successful trip to Barton Hall. The residential was packed with activities: high ropes, climbing, archery, rifle shooting, aeroball and raft building to name a few. We were blessed with perfect weather and the children had a trip to remember!

Awful Auntie

On Friday we are off to the theater to see Awful Auntie - what an end to the week. 


Kensa class visited Plymouth Aquarium last week. They came back full of facts and ideas about the underwater world.


Next week we are visiting Summerset Cricket Ground to watch a county game.



Mountain bike club

This half term we have been running an mountain bike club at Lanhydrock. We began by shredding the green family trails before progressing to the technical blue trails. All the pupils have made fantastic progress. We have even attacked the skill track where there are drops and jumps. A huge thank you to the parent helpers who have transported the bikes and children as well as joining us on the trails.

War Hammer club

Mr Coates has been running a War Hammer club this term. Pupils have been making and painting models as well as learning how to play the game. Thank you Mr Coates for volunteering your time to give our pupils this unique opportunity.

Insect topic

In Kensa class pupils have been studying insects. As part of this topic pupils have: been on a bug hunt, created bug environments and made bug art. In the classroom there are live caterpillars who are moving through there life-cycle. Our young scientists are observing the changes daily.

Ancient Greece



Spring Term 2 

Spring Term 2

Cross country
Our athletes have been training hard this term - building up to the 5k Landrake run. We have trained for the distance and braved the wind and rain to complete the distance at Sibley Back Lake. A huge thank you to Mr Jones for organising and supporting our pupils.  

Bike club
After the Easter holidays we will be starting a bike club a Lanhydrock. The club will run for 5 weeks and start at 3:45pm. If you are interested please contact the secretary showing your interest. 

Mrs Chalkley
Last week we said goodbye to the fabulous Mrs Chalkley. After a decade at the school, it is impossible to quantify her impact. We will greatly miss her but are very excited for her next adventure in Yorkshire. We gave her a fitting send off: flowers, cake and a wonderful painting to remember us by. Mrs Chalkley gifted us a fabulous poetry book with one poem for every day of the year.

We have finished 11 weeks of trumpet lessons in KS2. Mr Jones has done an incredible job of teaching with all pupils able to read music and play along to a Mexican Samba. Keep you eyes peeled for the video on BridgeTube.

Easter Fayre
This Thursday is our Easter Fayre. We are extremely grateful to the PTA for organising this. Please come along and show your support. 

Farm and Country Day
Last week KS2 attended the farm and country day at Wadebridge Showground. We had a wonderful day making pasties, eggy bread and tacos whilst learning about food production in the local area.


Spring Term 2 

Spring Term 2


Both KS1 and KS2 have cricket sessions being delivered by a specialist cricket coach. These sessions will be on a Monday for the next 7 weeks. The coach will also run a lunch time club to show the children new cricket related play ground games.


We are building up to the big race at Landrake on the 15th March. Before then we will complete a 5k at Sibley back on the 4th March. The children have been working to build their stamina at our weekly cross-country club.

Falmouth Maritime Museum

Last week we had a fantastic trip to Falmouth where we leant about Viking long-ships. We also enjoyed a trading workshop and found out that the Vikings made it is far as Iraq - trading their own goods for precious spices.


Ks1 have been had an amazing week! They have been digging up dinosaur bones and creating pasta skeletons. My goodness what a fantastic topic Mrs Elliot is delivering!


We went to the theatre - oh no you didn't! 

Theatre Trip

What a fantastic start to the year! As a school we travelled to The Treater Royal in Plymouth to watch a performance of Goldilocks and the Three bears. It was a wonderful show - ventriloquists, dancers, jugglers and so much more. The children had a wonderful time and - thanks to the parents' group - were treated to ice cream at the interval. A huge thank you to Bex Ivins for volunteering to drive the mini-bus as well as all the staff involved in organising the trip. Also a big thank you to the staff, particularly the TAs, who volunteered their time to allow us to go. 

Drop off and pick up

Thank you for your continued effort to get the pupils into class between 8.30 and 8.45 for registration. We appreciate access isn't always easy and can lead to unexpected delays but it does make a great difference having them all in on time so we can stick to our timetabled sessions.

Mr Jones

We are delighted to have Mr Jones back teaching KS2 on Monday. He has literally hit the ground running and brought back x-country club. We had a fantastically muddy run on Monday with many unexpected obstacles along the track.

New topics

Make sure to have a look at the class pages to see our new topics for this term.


A Treemendous Storm! 

We have started the second Autumn term with a a highly dramatic event. The school was blasted by storm Ciaran with a tree taken down. Within a day the tree had been removed and we were back open for business.

Kensa class have been busy learning about the Great Fire of London. In art they have been creating Tudor houses and discussing the causes of the fire.

Nessa have been building their way into the term with a D.T focus. Pupils have been creating wind turbines. They have been designing strong towers out of wooden dowel and will be using their circuit knowledge to run a motor from wind power which will light an LED.

Cross-country has been a run away success! On the first week we had 14 pupils attending. The mud was no match for our runners and Mr Jones coached the pupils around a two mile course.

We have parents evenings this week so make sure you have contacted Kelly in the office to book your slot.

Pro20 is continuing this term so make sure you sign up for more coaching excellence.

Lastly, we are beginning to prepare for our Christmas play. Parents have been emailed costume requests. 

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Smith


A wonderful start to the year 

Autumn term

The Autumn Term is in full swing and the pupils have been working really hard within their topics. In Nessa our topic of 'Can One Idea Change the World?' has seen our pupils explore the potential of renewable energy in Cornwall.
Kensa have been focused on their topic of 'Who am I?' with pupils focusing on healthy eating and making fruit kababs. See the class pages for more information. 

Last week the local Food Bank collected a fantastic amount of donations from us, as part of our Harvest Festival. Thank you to everyone who was able to contribute to the worthwhile cause. To celebrate our Harvest Festival, we had a great assembly with Reverend Robin  and sang the primary school classic ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’.

This week our ‘Shining Stars’ theme was all about children who demonstrate our school rule of being respectful. We have been focused on our school rules of Be Kind, Be Ready, Be respectful this half term and pupils have been showing these values everyday.

As written in our Key Dates letter we have a meet the teacher session after school on Tuesday 10th October. This is a chance to hear from both class teachers about our curriculum and how we are teaching it. We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Thanks for your support,

Mr Smith 


A busy couple of weeks.  

And breathe... What a busy couple of weeks! The children some how have managed to complete some amazing pieces of learning in class over the past couple of weeks; complete their swimming programme; KS2 have had an amazing adventure on their residential and we still have a 'Jam-packed' final week, please see the events diary: https://www.blislandprimary.co.uk/Events-Diary

Well done to all the children who have completed their swimming programme. All have superb confidence in the water; lots of non-swimmers are now swimming and those capable swimmers have been able to develop stronger technique and junior life-saving skills. All this learning is important as part of our physical education but also as a life skill for children who live by the coast and rivers.

PGL Beam House (KS2 Residential):
This week KS2 enjoyed their outdoor learning experience at PGL Beam house. The children showed wonderful teamwork and encouraged each other throughout. They were able to learn new skills such as climbing, surfing (not new for all) and fencing to name a few. It was a real pleasure to take the children away and we are proud of all they achieved and how they conducted themselves. The children I know are already looking forward to next year's residential.

Sports Day and Summer Fair:
Unfortunately the weather has not been on our side for sports day this year as we have had to postpone the day twice (We are very sorry for the disruption as we know many would have had to arrange cover for work or take annual leave). We will hold sports day on Wednesday 19th July (Next week, the weather is looking better). The summer fair and duck race will also take place on Wednesday (no matter the weather). The events will start at 1.30pm.

Y6 SATs and Leavers Assembly:
Our Y6s have had their SATs results come through this week and we are very proud of the children. They have worked so hard and they have got results that they should be pleased and proud of. On Thursday next week, we will be having our leavers assembly for our Y6s. All are welcome to attend this assembly. If it is dry, this event will be held outside. 

On Monday and Tuesday, Some pupils in Y5 and Y6 have the opportunity to take part in bike-ability coaching where they will learning cycling proficiency skills and learn how to safely navigate the roads. For those who have been contacted about taking part in these sessions, please remember your bike for these two days and your consent slips.  (Children can leave their bike in school on Monday so it is ready for Tuesday)

Additional Needs Corner - Summer holidays:
SEN Corner – Coping with the Summer holidays We know that for some children, lots of unstructured time can be difficult so here are some helpful tips to help support your child over the summer: Make a plan. Draw up a list of activities that everyone wants to do. Try to keep it simple and local. It could even be a bus ride, a visit to the park, playing in the garden or making biscuits. Some children may feel more supported if they have visuals to support a routine. This could be a photograph or symbol to represent where you are going or what you will be doing. You could even set out a daily plan with a tick list of activities or jobs to achieve. This could involve meal planning if you think it might help your child. Keep informed, there are always activities happening locally, so keep a look out on social media and on posters around the town. Ask for help – everybody needs support. Talk to family and friends to share advice and stories. Most of all stay safe and enjoy the summer together!

Time2Move Summer Holiday Activities:
Online bookings for the Time2Move Holiday Programme this Summer are now OPEN! Activities are taking place across Cornwall during the holidays, from 24 July to 1 September 2023. Sessions include multi sports, forest schools, circus skills & water sports.  You can explore what is on offer here.
All children eligible for Free School Meals can access these activities for free. Parents and carers can access a code here.
Don't forget - every session includes a healthy meal for ALL children. Together for Families colleagues can also refer individual children
Email: Time2Move.HolidayProgramme@cornwall.gov.uk or call 01872 323335 to find out more.
SEND provision - where possible - Time2Move will do their best to offer support to children with SEND. Please contact them to discuss.

Uniform Swap-Shop:
We know uniforms can be expensive and the mad rush to be ready with uniform for September can be stressful; on the last day of term we are holding a uniform swap shop from 1pm. If you have any uniform which is no longer needed (school jumpers, white polo shirts, trousers, shorts, skirts, dresses or school shoes), please could you bring these into school by Thursday 20th July. Uniform will be free but if you would like to make any donation, it will be gratefully received by our PTA to go towards events for the children next year.

One week to go; let's enjoy it.


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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